How to tie
a scarf
Switching up your look has never been
easier. From neckerchiefs to oversized
styles, we’ll
inspire you with our
scarf-tying Master Class.
Oblong scarves
The loop
Fold the scarf in half and drape it
around the back of your neck. Pull the
loose ends through the loop and
tighten at the base of your neck.
The half bow
Wrap it around your neck, leaving
one end longer. Tie a half knot. Hold
on to the short end and take the long
end under as if you were tying
another knot. Pull it through,
creating the half bow.
Neck scarves
The neckerchief
Fold the scarf in half diagonally to
create a triangle. Fold it over again
until you have a long length. Place the
scarf around the front of your neck. Pull
the ends forward to tie a knot.
Square scarves
The belted wrap
Fold the scarf in half diagonally to
create a triangle. Drape the long, folded
side over one shoulder and keep it in
place with a belt at the waist.